Temporary attorney in cases of Sweden was called in Iranian Foreign Ministry: because of burning of Quran

Temporary attorney in Sweden affairs was summoned on Sunday to Iran’s Foreign Ministry in connection with the burning of the Quran by the representatives of the Radical Party “Hard Course”, the IRNA Agency reports.

The representative of Sweden was expressed by a decisive protest about the desecration of the sacred for Muslims of the book.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry announced the responsibility of the Swedish government for the incident, and also called on Stockholm to take urgent measures and put an end to such shares.

The riots broke out on Sunday in Swedish cities Linkoping and Northoping after it became known that the leader of the Danish law-speaking party “Hard course” Rasmus Paludan intends to hold these cities Anti-Islamic manifestations – the public burning of the Quran. Before that, the riot on Friday and Saturday passed to Erebra and Malmo, during which the at least 12 policemen were injured, and public transport and several patrol machines were installed.

Paludan is known for numerous anti-Islamic videos, publicly burned Koran, calling it a tribute to freedom of speech.