That we discussed Pashazadeh, Kirill and Karekin

The Danilov Monastery held a trilateral meeting of religious leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia, RIA Novosti reported.

At a meeting with the chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office (CMO) Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill called on them “to give an unequivocal joint response to attempts to associate religion with war”.

“We are gathered here to discuss the problem of long-term conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. I hope that we’ll find the right words that are most needed by our people. I believe that the authority of the spiritual leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia will be able to positively influence the minds of people and I believe that the fact that today’s meeting and dialogue between you, dear brothers, will become an example for all “- Kirill said, opening the meeting


The Patriarch of All Russia noted that the religious wars – a terrible sin in the history of mankind and urged not to combine into a single whole concept of “war” and “religion”


“May God bless our efforts and will help us to find common ground that will contribute to achieving a lasting and durable peace in the ancient Caucasian land – close, dear, dear to both of you,” – concluded the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church


It should be noted that the day before he had with religious leaders bilateral meetings. During negotiations with Allahshukur Pashazade, Patriarch Kirill noted that political interests interfere with the sides of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to agree, whereas confessions representatives are in negotiations advantages based on faith in God, the common moral values ​​and trust in each other.