“The worst is not far from mountains”: BBC journalist arrived in Afghanistan and could not hold back tears

BBC Correspondent John Simpson could not hold back tears, passing the details of the situation in Afghanistan live Radio 4 radio stations.

Russian service BBC writes that a 77-year-old journalist who visited his career in dozens of military zones, told how the other day came to look at the place where the famous Bamian Buddha statues, destroyed by the Taliban 20 years ago, and found There is a woman living in a cave. Woman called Fatima, she is a widow with seven children aged three to 16 years. Her husband died from the gastric cancer.

Before the arrival of the Taliban, Fatima earned the fields for the local farmer. Now because of the drought work for it was not. “She has no money, she has to begging for people to give it fuel to slaughter the fire, and give her flour, which in the days of the previous government they were brought.” In these words, the correspondent could not hold back emotions and asked him to apologize.

“You know, I have seen a lot bad for the years of work, but here … the worst thing has not yet happened, but you understand that it is not far from around the corner. And they themselves understand it too,” said the correspondent.