There is no unity in European Union in embargo for Russian oil and gas

EU countries (EU) still cannot coordinate the introduction of an embargo for gas and oil from Russia, said Josep Borrel, head of European diplomacy, in an interview with Die Welt.

Borrel assures that over the past weeks, the EU has already significantly reduced dependence on Russian energy carriers.

According to him, such measures are important against Russia to increase pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin and force him to sit down at the negotiating table.

, however, in the European Union there is currently a single position on this issue, ”he stated, adding that this topic will be discussed again at the European Union summit on May 30-31.

He noted that some EU countries made it clear that they were against the embargo or penalties for oil and gas supply from Russia. At the same time, Borrel noted that all EU countries are currently working to reduce dependence on Russian energy carriers.