Thousands of mines found in frontline zone

On September 27, 2020, the Azerbaijan Mine Action Agency made 1,800 operational and emergency trips based on 2,300 signals and calls. This is stated in the report of the Cabinet of Ministers for 2020.

According to the report, houses and household plots were inspected in Agdam, Agjabedi, Barda, Beylagan, Bilasuvar, Jabrail, Goranboy, Goygol, Naftalan, Kurdamir, Fizuli, Terter, Tovuz, Gadzhayzbul , Gabala regions, Ganja, Mingachevir, areas near the Mingachevir TPP, the South Caucasian pipeline, crops and pastures, roadsides, forests, schools.

1.6 thousand unexploded ordnance, 4.5 thousand anti-personnel mines, 1.4 thousand anti-tank mines, 1.9 thousand fuses for anti-tank mines, 77 detonators, 1.4 thousand bombs 9 N235, 21 thousand rounds of various calibers, 2 gas grenades, 6 kg of gunpowder, 275 kg of plastic explosive, 150 kg of an explosive containing ammonium nitrate, 17 metrological radio direction finders used for military purposes, 7 neutralized drones, 2 missile schemes, 1.9 thousand unexploded missile parts.