“Tobacco king” of Russia Albert Suddyan received six years in colony

Koptevsky Court of Moscow sentenced to six years in the colony of the metropolitan development department, the owner of Optima Development Albert Sudovoan, recognizing him guilty of the embezzlement of real estate in the amount of more than 3.7 billion rubles, TASS reported in the press service of the metropolitan prosecutor’s office.

“Koptevsky District Court Albert Sudoyan convicted for fraud committed by an organized group using his official position and in particularly large amounts, by six years in prison with a fine of 800 thousand rubles. His partner Sergey Konoplev appointed three years in prison with A fine of 200 thousand rubles. Both convicts will serve a penalty in a correctional colony of the general regime, “said the representative of the department.

Albert Ashotovich Hadoyan – Russian entrepreneur of Armenian origin, founder and former owner of the company “Optima” – one of the largest tobacco product distributors in Russia. Founder and owner of the company Optima Development.