Tokaev pointed out need for comprehensive reform of UN Security Council

No “good services” for the peaceful settlement of disputes can replace the effective functioning system of multilateral cooperation. This was stated by the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev, speaking with the 46th Singapore lecture, in which he expressed his vision of the role of medium powers in ensuring global security, stability and sustainable development.

Talking about the role of new average powers, such as Kazakhstan and Singapore, Tokaev drew attention to significant changes in the landscape of global safety, which open both wide opportunities and serious risks.

“Global safety architecture is quickly destroyed, and mutual distrust between the powers is deepened. It is obvious that the” dividends of the world “received after the Cold War are exhausted. Since the world military spending has grown to a record level of $ 2.2 trillion, $ 2.2 trillion, What leads to the new effort, humanity becomes a victim of new military conflicts And Singapore as developing medium -sized powers cannot simply agree with polarization and division. >

The President noted that the country, which is following the path of construction of fair Kazakhstan, is firmly committed to the principles and values ​​of responsible diplomacy.