Tokyo: world in Taiwanese Strait is important not only for Japan, but for entire world community

The Japanese government noted the importance of “peace and stability in the Taiwanese Strait.” The corresponding statement was made by the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Yoshimas Hayashi after the China army began to conduct large -scale military exercises off the coast of Taiwan.

“Peace and stability in the Taiwanese Strait are important not only for the national security of our country, but also for the stability of the entire world community,” Hayashi said.

He noted that Tokyo carefully monitor the development of relations between China and Taiwan. In addition, Hayasi once again confirmed the position of Japan to the Taiwan issue, which, according to him, “must be decided peacefully through dialogue.”

Earlier, the command of the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) reported the beginning of two-day military exercises off the coast of Taiwan. It is worth noting that the teachings around Taiwan began after the inauguration of the new president Lai Tsinde, a candidate from the ruling democratic progressive party (DPP), was held on May 20.