All uk news and updates

Ambassador of Japan is called to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation in response to supply of military equipment to Kyiv
Turkey: memory of music teacher killed by terrorists
Kyiv: water level in Kherson after breakthrough of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station fell 20 cm
Blinken discussed situation with Kulebo at Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
Zelensky held meeting to ensure Dnipropetrovsk region with water
Meeting of National Security Council ended in Ankara
Head of Rosatom: Russian nuclear power plants are reliably protected
Patrushev: peoples of Russian Federation and Ukraine are not interested in conflict
Zelensky visits Kherson region of Ukraine on working visit
Türkiye will continue to develop domestic defense technologies
Top 3 importers of Turkish tea include Belgium, USA and Great Britain
Russian Foreign Ministry told Zelensky “Chupacabra”
WB will assess damage as result of undermining dam of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
Number of parliamentary deputies was reduced in Salvador
Joe Biden will meet with Secretary General of NATO Stoltenberg
Ukraine: operating mode of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was urgently changed
Erdogan: Turkey is ready to support idea of International Commission on Kakhovskoye hydroelectric power station
Arab countries advocate continuation of Black Sea Grain Initiative
Moscow and Kyiv accused each other of undermining Togliatti-Odesses ammonia
Belgorod region of Russian Federation again reported on shelling from territory of Ukraine
Ex-President of Russian Federation: Kyiv and West are ready for anything to “erase Russia from face of earth”
Dushanbe does not consider issue of possible accession of country to EAEU – Foreign Ministry
In Kherson region of Ukraine, state of emergency was introduced due to breakthrough of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
Chisinau is ready to contribute to regional world and security – Foreign Minister
Russian Foreign Ministry said “undermining” at Kakhovskaya hydroelectric attack “terrorist attack”
Minister of Defense of Russian Federation accused Kyiv of undermining dam of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
Zakharova: Permanent Representative of Russian Federation still warned UN about Kyiv’s plans for Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
Authorities of Ukraine obliged Monks of UOC to leave Kiev Pechersk Lavra within three days
ICKK: collapse at Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station is one of most serious consequences of conflict
Investigative Committee of Russian Federation opened case on destruction of dam of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
In control of army of Russian Federation, Novokakhovsky City District of Ukraine introduced State of Emergency
NATO Secretary General condemned bombing of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric station in Ukraine
Shmygal: destruction of Kakhovsky hydroelectric power station is fraught with an ecological disaster for south of Ukraine
FSB: Ukrainian intelligence plans in Russian Federation terrorist attacks using “dirty bomb”
Rosatom announced absence of threat of ZAEC in connection with separation of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
New head of Office of Office of Turkey was appointed
General Director Magate warned of threats against ZAES
Russian Foreign Ministry appreciated prospects for extending grain transaction
Turkish Hakkari attracts tourists with flowering valleys and waterfalls
Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation reported tortured attempt to penetrate from Ukraine
Lukashenko: Minsk and Moscow so far are tolerate “Men’s tricks” from West
Belgorod region of Russian Federation reported on new shelling
Toprak Poyatlyoglu took second place at World Cup stage in Italy
Congratulations are received addressed to new Foreign Minister of Turkey Hakan Fidan
Head of Belgorod region of Russian Federation announced 5 dead during shelling
Contractors from Turkey for 5 months received $ 6.5 billion orders from abroad
Turkish revenues from export of hazelnuts for 9 months exceeded $ 1.4 billion
In Turkish Hakkari, snow clearing continues in June