Toshiba plans to reduce 4 thousand

The Japanese manufacturer of Toshiba electronics will fire 4 thousand employees, which is 6 percent of the number of the state in the country.

The company said that they decided to restructure and reduce the number of personnel due to financial losses. The reduction is planned to be implemented until November.

The Chief Executive Director of Toshiba Tarot Simad called the dismissal “a painful solution.” “This is necessary in order for Toshiba to live another 100 years,” he said.

At the same time, Simada assured that the management intends to re -achieve the growth of the company.

“We are 100 percent ready to realize the best version of Toshiba,” said the head of the Japanese company.

Toshiba will concentrate its joint -stock resources on such areas of growth as infrastructure, energy and digitalization. The company plans to reduce unnecessary operations due to the integration of subsidiaries.

Earlier, the Japanese Electronics Manufacturer announced that in the 2023 financial year, covering the period from April 2023 to March 2024, he recorded a net loss of 74.8 billion yen ($ 481 million).