Trump warned about threat of Third World War

The situation around Ukraine can grow into a global conflict, because “no one to talk” with the leadership of Russia, the US President Donald Trump at the rally of supporters in South Carolina said.

“This can lead to a third world war, I see what is happening. Because if you think that (President of Russia Vladimir – Ed.) Putin will stop: it will be worse and worse, he will not accept it. And we have no one To talk to him, before we had such a person – I. No one was so harsh with Russia, like me, – quotes Trump RIA Novosti.

According to him, “his personality held the United States” from global conflicts, and not vice versa.

Ex-president noted that the United States should also “get rid of the impaired and losing implication of foreign policy” in its own country: “While these Lunatics have not led us to the destruction of the nation and the Third World War.”

Trump said that “despite weakness, cowardice and incompetence” of the current US president Joe Bayden, there is still a path of diplomatic permission.

The United States should, according to Trump, it is clear to understand Russia’s leadership that “he has two choices – or negotiations about the world right now or there are significant consequences.” “America should think about the full disposal of Russia in the field of energy, forever or very long,” he added.