Turkey eliminated a dangerous terrorist in Syria

Turkish intelligence eliminated one of the “officers” of the PKK in Syria Ayupa Yakut with the call sign “Amed Dorshin”, TRT Haber.


He was the commander of one of the battalions of the wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in Syria and since 2020 was responsible for organizing explosions and sabotage against the Turkish armed forces in the area of ​​the Syrian Operation “Source of the World” (“Barış Pınarı” – ed.).

Ayup Yakut joined the terrorists in 2010, in 2013 moved to the Mountain Headquarters of the organization and carried out terrorist activities in Turkey and Syria.

“Officer” of the PKK was neutralized by the National Intelligence Organization of Turkey (MIT – Ed.) As a result of a point operation. It was liquidated in the Shaddada area in Syria.