Turkey urged Europe to respond to stocks with burning of Qur’an

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey has published a statement that condemned the burning of the Qur’an in Denmark and called on the European administrations to “not stand aside” and respond to such shares.

“We most decisively condemn the fact that the crime on the basis of hatred committed in Sweden against our holy book was again committed today in Copenhagen by the same Islamofobic charlatan. The fact that this disgusting act, which this time, which is this time, which this time, which this time, which this time, which this time, which is this time. It occurred in Denmark after Sweden and the Netherlands, was not prevented, despite all our warnings, causes anxiety from the point of view of identifying dangerous proportions, which religious intolerance and hatred reached in Europe, abusing the so -called freedom, ”the statement said.

“We remind you of an integral part of European society to administrations that do not respond to these marginalizing Muslims about their responsibility and urge them not to stand aside and not watch how the universal values ​​are being trampled, the protection of which they declare,” emphasized in, “emphasized in department.