Turkish astronaut of Alper Goseravja conducts sixth experiment on ISS

The Turkish astronaut of the Alper Goseravja, who went to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the European manned mission Axiom-3, began the next experiment- “saturation of oxygen”.

According to the Anadolu agency, “oxygen saturation” became the sixth experiment, which hezeravji conducts at the ISS. In total, within the framework of the mission, for two weeks he will have to put 13 experiments.

The head of the project “Saturation by oxygen” is Oguzhan Aydemir from the University of Nishantashi.

The goal of the experiment is to identify differences and discomfort caused by low gravity by calculating the level of oxygen in the air supplied with the support of artificial intelligence.

Goseravji since arriving at the ISS has conducted five scientific tests. Experiments of “Extremophyte”, “Crispr-Gem” and “Uzman”.


The essence of Extremophyte is to study the physiological and molecular reactions of the endemic plant Schrenkiella parvula, growing in a saline lake in the space environment.

“CRISPR -GEM” is the first step towards the development of new plants that will provide nutrients necessary for a large number of people in space in the future, and maintain environmental control in closed residential premises, and Uzman allows us to investigate the possibility of using types of micro -industrialists In life support systems in space.

Goseravji also continues the Algalspace experiment, which examines the use of algae in the space environment for oxygen regeneration from carbon dioxide, improve water quality and life support.

And the Vokalkord experiment will identify violations caused by low gravity using sound frequencies.