Turkish attack aircraft Hürkuş-2 is preparing for first flight

Türk Havacılık Uzay Sanayi has developed a new generation of Hürkuş-2.

Air vessel is planned to be used for both basic and advanced flight training of fighter pilots, as well as to perform tasks as aviation support in difficult conditions.

Initially, the development was focused on the creation of a training aircraft. Later, an armed option appeared called Hürkuş-C, into which various ammunition and equipment were integrated, its successful flight-rifle tests were also carried out.

Development attracts great attention abroad, primarily in Africa countries.

The company also developed the Hürkuş Air Ground Integration aircraft for use in the Air Force Combat Fire Support Group and in advanced training measures.

It is expected that the aircraft will provide significant advantages due to the low cost of operation and modern Avionic systems.

The company has been implementing the Hürkuş-2 project for some time, thanks to the improved opportunities received while working on the Hürkuş.


Türk Havacılık Uzay Sanayi is going to transfer 55 units of advanced Hürkuş-2 aircraft to the arsenal of the 122nd Basic Flight Square of the Air Force of Turkey.

It is expected that the aircraft will make its first flight in June.