Turkish defense company STM will build three corvettes for Malaysia Navy

In Turkey, a ceremony was held, which provides for the opening of the Littoral Mission Ship Batch-2 project. This is stated in the message of the Turkish defense company STM Savunma Teknolojaleri Mühendislik Ve Ticaret Aivers.

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Defense of Malaysia Mohamed Khaled Nordin, the head of the Department of Defense Industry under the President of Turkey, Professor Haluk Görgun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of STM, Professor Imasan Kai, General Director of STM Ozgur Gleria, representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Malaysia and the heads of Turkish defense companies.

“Malaysia first signed a memorandum of understanding the G2G with the country for the supply of defense products,” said Gergun, whose words are given in the company.

Gergun noted that the three ships designed taking into account the requirements of the Royal Navy of Malaysia, the general contractor of which is STM, will be built in Turkey.

According to him, the products of a number of Turkish defense industry companies will be used in this process, including Havelsan, ASELSAN and ROKETSAN.

“I sincerely believe that the LMS Batch -2 project is only the beginning of long -term cooperation between the two countries in the naval platforms,” ​​said the head of the defense industry department.

In turn, the Minister of Defense of Malaysia Malamed Khaled Nordin said that the signing of the Memorandum of mutual understanding will benefit both countries, in particular Malaysia, since the Turkish Republic today has advanced defense technologies and is one of the leading countries in the field of outflow in the Western Asia.

“This is a historical moment, because it means that today we will begin the construction of three LMS in Turkey with the participation of STM,” the minister said.

In turn, the General Director of STM Ozgur Gühleria said that the company has been satisfied with the needs of security forces, mainly the Turkish forces in national and innovative systems.

According to him, the construction of ships for the friendly and fraternal royal navy of Malaysia will begin this year. “All three vessels will be transferred to the Malaysia Navy within 3.5 years. According to an agreement that will be concluded in the intergovernmental format (G2G), STM will become the main contractor responsible for all stages of the project, from design to implementation, from construction to the supply of courts” , – said Gulelez.

“, as part of the project, the construction and equipment of ships will be carried out in Turkey with the active participation of Turkish defense companies. The vessels will be built according to the General STM, and about 50 domestic companies, in particular ASELSAN, Havelsan and Ruketsan. Malaysian corvettes, which are equipped with advanced systems. will have modern weapons, sensors and control systems, provide for the wide sector of the tasks of the Malaysia Navy, ”he added.