Turkish minesweepers TCG Anamur and TCG Amasra arrived at Pirean port

TCG Anamur and TCG Amasra minesweepers, owned by Turkish armed forces, arrived in the Pirean port in Greece as part of the NATO’s permanent Operational Group for Mid-Mine Struggle-2 (SNMCMG-2).

The commanders of the ships were adopted by the ambassador of the Turkish Republic to Athens Chagatai Erjes in the office of the embassy.

On the Alley of Turkish Warriors in Piraeus, a ceremony was held with the participation of the trail staff of TCG Anamur and TCG Amasra, as well as the embassy.

After the ceremony, the Ambassador Erjes visited the TCG Anamur ship in the Piraeus port and took part on Iftar.

Erjes received information about the technical features and activities of the ship from the ship commander and left an entry in the guest book.

The Alley of Turkish Warriors in Piraeus was created as the Muslim cemetery in 1859, on March 24, 1890, the cemetery was transferred to the municipality of Piraeus in the Ottoman state.

The cemetery are the graves of Turkish warriors who were captured by Athens during the Balkan Wars, the First World War and the War of Independence and died there.