Turkish President left for Italy to participate in G-7 leaders summit

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan left to Italy to participate in the G-7 leaders summit

The head of state at the Torrekhon de Ardos air base was escorted by Turkish ambassador to Madrid Nuukkekel Ezbergi and other authorized persons.

On board the CAN private aircraft are also the spouse of President Emine Erdogan, chief adviser to the president on security and foreign policy Akif Chagatai Kylych and deputy chairman of the Administration of the Presidential Administration Chagatai Ozdemir.

In Italy, the head of state will take part in a high-level session on Africa and Mediterranean/Artificial Intelligence and Energy, which will be organized on the fields of the G-7 leaders in Italy. The Turkish leader will also hold a series of bilateral meetings, attend cultural events and an informal dinner.