Turkish scientist told about features of “Omikron”

Coronavirus strain “Omicron” is excreted from the body in about 5-7 days, but in some cases it can take longer, especially when such symptoms such as dry cough and sore throat are observed.

According to the Turkish press, an employee of the University of Adnan Menders, Professor Mehmet Poltles, said. According to him, recovered, even if a quarantine period ended, they must communicate with others exclusively in a medical mask.

Polts, head of the working group on COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) of the Turkish association of thoracic surgery, noted that, despite the fact that Omicron is more infected than the “Delta” option, the percentage of complications among infected them, and, as The investigation, hospitalization in the separation of intensive therapy below. Studies have shown that the “Omicron” primarily multiplies in the upper respiratory tract, inflicting less harm to the easiest compared to previous options, and causes serious illness only in a small percentage of infected.

“Some patients, especially those who do not vaccinate or have a weak immune system, may feel strong symptoms when infected with” Omicron “. If, with other variants of the coronavirus, high temperatures, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, then when infected “Omicron” to the fore the dry cough, pain in the throat, “said Professor, adding that patients also complain about runny nose, nasal congestion, taste or smell, headache, fatigue, muscle pain, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea .

“When infected by the strains of” Alpha “and” Delta “, the viral load tends to enhance approximately 3 days after infection, on average after 6 days the virus gradually weakens and excreted from the body. According to research, with the” Omicron “version of the virus output from The body is on average for 5-7 days. It happens on the background of a weak viral load. According to new instructions, patients without symptoms or with light symptoms can leave quarantine after 7 days if they have no high temperature. “

According to the professor, complaints in patients may occur within 3-9 months after the disease. Some of them have the so-called post-shaped syndrome, or a “long covid”. COVID-19 long-term symptoms include excessive fatigue, memory problems, shortness, rapid heartbeat, muscle pain, changes in taste and smell. Also observed cognitive dysfunction and fatigue called “brain fog”. Violations of the same concentration and memory, according to the polls, can last 6 weeks. Dyspnea associated with COVID-19 infection, slowly passes in 2-3 months, while a sharp cough can last about 3 months.