Turkish UAVs protect sky almost 40 countries

Unmanned aerial vehicles of Turkey protect the sky of almost 40 countries of the world. This was stated by the Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatikh Kajyr in an interview with Anadola in the fields of a business forum, which takes place in Sarajevo.

“Turkey is the number one in the world on unmanned aerial vehicles. The sky of almost 40 countries protect Turkish UAVs. Our level of localization in the defense industry of Turkey has increased from 20 percent to more than 80 percent. This story led to the creation of a giant ecosystem with 3500 companies And almost 80 thousand qualified employees are also pride that there are the best teams of the world, such as Baikar. – said the minister.

Kajyr recalled that the Turkish UAV Bayraktar Akinci was successfully used in the search for a broken helicopter transporting Iran President Ebrahim Raisi, the head of the Foreign Ministry of Hossein Amir Abdollahiyan and other officials.

“Thanks to the agency” Anadol, almost 5 million people were observed on this evening on this evening. I also congratulate “Anadola”, they stepped by step by step with the whole world from the very first moment, “the minister said .

According to him, the whole world is closely monitored by the achievements of Turkey in the defense industry, Ankara can satisfy her own needs with the help of domestic and national defense products.

“Turkey is a country that develops the best in the world,” the head of the Ministry of Industry emphasized.

Today, Türkiye is the leading country of Europe in both industry and technology

The Minister noted that today Turkey is the leading country of Europe both in industry and in technology.

“Turkey is the largest manufacturer in Europe: from commercial cars to leaf glass, from solar panels to metallurgical industry, cement and household appliances. We are the first in Europe for the production of solar panels and commercial transport, the first in Europe and the second in the world for the production of household appliances, ”Kajyr emphasized.

According to him, Turkey intends to transfer all this industrial potential to the Balkans and the country has experience that allows you to realize its plans.