Turkish Vice President Jilmaz accepted EU Commissioner on proximity and expansion of Varheli

Turkish Vice-President Jewdet Yilmaz accepted the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) on the proximity and expansion of Oliver Varheli and the delegation accompanying him.

During the reception in the presidential complex, relations between Turkey and the EU and regional issues were discussed.

During the meeting, Yilmaz emphasized that Turkey and the EU have a common future, values ​​and interests. According to him, Turkey, as part of the expansion process, has a desire to revive the membership process, creating a positive agenda with the EU and promoting it with mutual specific steps.

noting that the world is experiencing a chaotic period, and the EU expansion is again on the agenda due to geopolitical events, Yilmaz said that the EU should show the same clear and decisive political will in relation to Turkey that he showed in relation to other countries -candidates in the framework of expansion, on equal terms and without discrimination.

Vice President stated that after the last EU summit, which was April 17-18, Turkey expects the EU from the promotion of dialogue, which will bring specific results, and said: “It is important that we take actions in such important areas as an increase in trade between the EU and Turkey, the update of the Customs Union, the facilitating of the visa regime and the creation of a more positive specific agenda. “

Having emphasized the need for immediate ceasefire in gas and uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, Yilmaz said that they expect more intense efforts from international institutions, especially from the EU.

Varheli, in turn, stated that they want to create a positive agenda in relations with Turkey, and noted that within the framework of this agenda, the issues of expanding trade and the Customs Union occupy a special place. Oliver Varheli noted that they agreed on an urgent ceasefire in gas and uninterrupted delivery of assistance.

During the meeting, it was also stated that a concrete progress is expected in relations during the reign of Hungary, which will receive the rotational chairmanship in the EU from July.