Tusaş CEO: In first flight, Turkish fighter Kaan stayed in air for 13 minutes

In the first flight, the Fifth -generation Turkish fighter Kaan stayed in the air for 13 minutes and at an altitude of 8,000 feet reached a speed of 230 knots.

About this on the social network, X wrote the general director of the Turkish aerospace company Tusaş Tusel Cotton.

“Today is the day of our pride. Our Kaan has gained a height of 8,000 feet and a speed of 230 knots in 13 minutes,” follows from the publication of the head of the fighter developer.

Cottos thaned the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as all colleagues, who, according to him, from the very beginning with dedication worked on the implementation of the project.

On Wednesday, February 21, the Fifth generation Turkish fighter Kaan successfully made its first flight.

A combat aircraft equipped with the latest technology, before the first flight, successfully passed test tests of the catapult chair, full -sized static tests, inertial and static trials of rudders, tests for the release of the chassis, testing of the Avionic system in the laboratory of system integration, as well as testing fuel systems . Finally, on the highway, slow and fast steering tests were carried out.

Due to the first flight, the plane took off from the Murteda air base near Ankara and, after a short test flight, returned to the base. Piloted the combat vehicle Barbaros Demirbash.

with the Kaan aircraft, Turkey will enter the top five manufacturers of the fifth generation aircraft.