Ukraine offers Washington to supply her with a landing liza

Ukraine is considering the option of an agreement with Washington on the supply of American liquefied natural gas for Lend-Lease, the American magazine Foreign Policy said.

“Ukrainian top managers in the field of energy offer Washington and other Western capitals many potential decisions to ensure supplies for the next winter and increase domestic production. This includes providing international financing for the purchase of natural gas from large exporters in the Middle East and North Africa , the development of alternative supply routes and a possible agreement with Washington on the import of LNG from the United States on Lend -Lease, ”the newspaper writes.

According to him, the general director of the Ukrainian Naftogaz Yuri Vitrenko last week said in Washington that Ukraine needs $ 8 billion for imports 6 billion cubic meters of gas before winter.

“The United States has a very clear mandate for the provision of necessary assistance to Ukraine. We want to structure it in a reasonable way so that there is no burden for American taxpayers,” Vitrenko quoted Foreign Policy.