UN General Assembly established an international day of thought and memory of genocide in Srebrenitsa

The UN General Assembly established the International Day of Thoughts and Memory of 1995 Genocide in Srebrenitsa.

According to the UN press service, according to Germany proposed by Germany, with a number of reporters of the resolution, on July 11 it will be celebrated annually as the International Day of Thinking and Memory of 1995 Genocide in Srebrenitsa. In the document “unconditionally condemned” any denial of the genocide in the Srebrenitsa.

The representative of the UN Secretariat said that the implementation of measures provided for in the resolution in 2025 will require 350 to 600 thousand dollars.

The document was supported by 84 states, 19 voted against and 68 delegations abstained.

The General Assembly “urgently calls” all the UN member states respect the “established facts” and include them in their educational systems to “preserve memory, prevent denial and distortion [facts], as well as prevent a new genocide in the future.

President of Serbia Alexander Vuchich spoke in front of the voting in the General Assembly, urging the member countries not to support the resolution, which, according to him, opens the “Box of Pandora”, taking into account the numerous mass killings that took place at different years at different points of the world. The head of state paid tribute to the memory of the victims in the cut, but noted that the proposed document “is political and directed against his country.”

Genocide in the Srebrenitsa

Residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina annually on July 11 honor the memory of more than 8 thousand Muslims killed in 1995 in the city of Srebrenitsa.

Genocide in Srebrenitsa is considered the largest humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since the Second World War.

Every year on July 11, the remains of the victims of the genocide after the identification procedure of personality indulge in the land in the cemetery in the city of Potocari.