UN Security Council condemned murders of civilians by Army of Myanmar

Members of the UN Security Council, with the exception of Russia and China, condemned “merciless violence” and the murder of civilians by the Myanmar Army.

The joint statement of the members of the UN Security Council was read out by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Great Britain James Kariuki.

A statement regarding the unlawful actions of the army of Myanmar against civilians and lawlessness reigning in the country was supported by 13 out of 15 members of the Security Council.

The Council of People’s Commissars noted that in Myanmar “did not reach significant progress” in the implementation of the resolution of December 2022, in which the UN Security Council urged to end violence against the civilian population and free the former leader of the Aun San Su Chi.

“over 18 million people in Myanmar need humanitarian assistance. At the same time, merciless violence and murder of civilians continues,” the statement said.

The UN Security Council was also called to put an end to “arbitrary arrests” and release the democratically elected officials, emphasized the importance of the beginning of dialogue for the cessation of violence in Myanmar.

The statement called important restoration of the work of democratic institutions and ensuring human rights.

In addition, representatives of the Council of Ministers called for the current authorities of Myanmar “to eliminate the causes of the crisis and ensure the rights of Muslim-Rokhini”.