UN Security Council gathered for an unplanned meeting in Ukraine

The UN Security Council on Friday at the meeting accepted the chairman of the situation in Ukraine for the first time after the start of the war. The US Sat Chairman in May is the USA.

“The Security Council expresses deep concern about the maintenance of peace and security in Ukraine,” the text says.

SB UN, in the adopted statement by the Chairman of Ukraine, expressed support to the efforts of UN Secretary General Antoniu Gutherrisha to resolve the Ukrainian crisis.

“The Security Council expresses decisive support to the efforts of the Secretary General to find a peaceful solution,” the text says.

GUTERRASH welcomes the first joint statement of the Security Council in Ukraine and will continue to apply all its strength to save lives and peaceful settlement of the situation.

“Today, for the first time, the Security Council spoke out for peace in Ukraine. As I often said, the world must unite in order to make the guns to shut up and support the values ​​of the UN Charter. I welcome this support and continue to make efforts to save lives, reduce the reduction suffering and finding a way to achieve peace, ”the message said on Friday, the office of the head of the World Organization.