UNEC and Israeli College Sapira agreed to cooperate

between the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC) and the Sapira Academic College, the largest state college of Israel, a cooperation agreement was signed.

The agreement signed between the UNEC rector Professor Adalat Muradov and the rector of the Academic College Sapira Nir Kedar includes cooperation in the field of education, as well as entrepreneurship and innovation.

In accordance with the agreement, a joint research experience and research in the field of education between two higher educational institutions, the organization of joint educational programs (bachelor, magistracy and doctoral studies), the exchange of students and teachers, the internationalization of Kurrikulum, the development of virtual exchange, and entrepreneurship are provided. and innovation, social influence, etc. Training.

In the field of entrepreneurship and innovation, the creation of a joint innovation laboratory and acceleration programs, analysis of strategic recommendations and needs for the preparation of innovative programs, organization for students and teachers of entrepreneurial and innovative seminars, as well as the organization of mentor programs for entrepreneurs, conducting joint hackathons representing Interest for Israel and Azerbaijan, cooperation in other areas.