United States for first time in half a century will overtake China in height

Economic growth in the United States this year will be ahead of the development of the Chinese economy for the first time since 1976, economists who have been interviewed by Bloomberg.

quarantine in China means that the country in its economic growth risks lagging behind for the first time in half a century, which can lead to a change in political roles, the publication notes. The second largest economy of the world will grow by only two percent this year. US GDP, according to forecasts, will increase by 2.8 percent.

The USA, despite the fact that they are struggling to cope with high inflation, are still moving due to a high level of hiring and consumer expenses. The growth of the Chinese economy is inhibited by the outbreak of coronavirus. US President Joe Biden has already stated that America overtook China. “For the first time in 20 years, our economy grew faster than the Chinese economy,” he said, speaking of GDP data for January.