United States will answer for attack of American base “in several levels and stages”

The United States will answer attacks on the American base on the Syrian-Iordanian border and the answer will be multi-level and long-term in time. This was stated on Monday by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Washington.

Blinken noted that Washington took all possible precautions to prevent the repetition of such attacks. The administration of Joe Biden evaluate options for a military answer, he emphasized.

“As the president said yesterday, we will answer (to this attack), and this answer will be multi -level, phased and for a long period of time,” the Secretary of State said.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that three US military were killed and 25 were injured as a result of an attack of a drone near the Syrian border in Jordan.