University Rector can be US Ambassador in Germany

Rector of the oldest in the United States of the University of Amy Gutmann, apparently, will be the new ambassador of the United States in Germany. On Wednesday, June 30, Reuters reported with reference to sources.

Previously, the same information announced the German weekly Der Spiegel, referring to the government circles of the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA.

Amy Gutmann IST Eine Der Profiliertesten Politikwissenschaftlerinnen Der USA – UND SOLL NACH SPIEGEL-INFORMATIONEN US-BOTSCHAFTERIN IN BERLIN WERDEN. Die 71-Jährige Muss Den Schaden Beheben, Den Ihr Vorgänger AngerichTet Hat.

– Der Spiegel (@Derspiegel) June 29, 2021

It is expected that the American President Joseph Biden will offer to appoint Gutmann to this post, after which she will have to enlist the support of the US Congress Senate. To approve the candidacy and the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmier, but its solution is considered a formality in this case, clarifies AFP.

In the case of approval by Amy Gutmann, will be the first woman who has taken the position of US ambassador to Germany.

by profession 71-year-old Gutmann – political scientist. Her father, a Jew, was forced to flee from Nazi Germany in 1934. Since 2004, she is the rector of the University of Pennsylvania, which is considered one of the best in the country and is included in the so-called ivy league.

Washington’s post in Berlin remain vacant from the moment of leaving her Richard Gresnel in June 2020.