US alarmed by frequency of Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia

The Ansar Allah Movement (Houthis) announced the shelling of the international airport of the Saudi city of Abha with a new ballistic missile. According to the Al Masirah TV channel, this was stated by the official representative of the Houthi army, Yahya Saria.

“Missile troops hit … a military target at Abhi International Airport with a new ballistic missile,” TASS quoted Saria as saying.

A Houthi spokesman added that the missile hit “the designated target with high precision.”

At the same time, the administration of US President Joseph Biden is alarmed by the escalation of attacks on Saudi Arabia. This was stated by the press secretary of the White House Jen Psaki, quoted by Reuters.

According to Psaki, Saudi Arabia faces “real security threats” from the Houthi movement.