US Congress wants to recognize Russia with a “sponsor of terrorism”

The US Congress recognizes Russia – a sponsor of terrorism, if this is not done by the State Department, said the speaker of the House of Representatives of Nancy Pelosi in an interview with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, writes Politico with reference to sources.

“The adoption of the law by Congress is obviously a more difficult way than the decision by the secretary, but this will give the administration the political cover necessary for the escalation of economic pressure …”, said one of the employees of the American Congress, emphasizing that no legal reasons who could prevent the Congress from taking such a decree, no.

recognition of another country by a sponsor of terrorism means strict restrictions on interaction with this state, a ban on export of defense goods, control over the export of dual -use products, financial and other restrictions. This decision also provides for the introduction of “other laws on sanctions that are punished by persons and countries participating in trade with states,” the website of the State Department says. This means that the United States would have to expand sanctions, not limiting itself to only individual sectors of the economy, Politico notes.

The United States recognized four states sponsors of terrorism: Syria (in December 1979), Iran (January 1984), DPRK (November 2017) and Cuba (January 2021).