US said that China can strike first

Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Headquarters (KNSH) of the US Armed Forces (Sun) General John Heiten believes that China is increasing military potential, which in the future can allow Beijing the first to strike. With this statement, the US commander spoke in an interview with CBS TV channel.

Commenting on the recent tests of hypersonic weapons in China, Khaiten noted: “They launched a big range missile. She flew off the globe, the planning hypersonic block was separated from her, which flew to China and struck the target in China.” To the question of a journalist about whether the goal was amazed, Highita replied: “Close enough.”

Speaking about these and other development of the Chinese side in the military sphere, he stressed: “Why do they develop all this potential? It looks like weapons of the first application.” “That’s the way, in my opinion, looks like a weapon of this type,” – quotes his words TASS.