US: second in power of Navy

In Popular Mechanics Publications (Navy) of the People’s Liberation Army of China (NAK) are named second in the world after the US Navy.

To this conclusion in the American journal came, turning attention to the simultaneous commissioning of the NAMA NAK rocket cruiser type Renhai, the landing ship of the Yushen type and the nuclear submarine (APL) of the JIN project.

According to the publication, referring to the Chinese press, this event was dedicated to the 72th anniversary of NAMA NAME, which reflects the “dizzying pace of the Chinese Naval Shipbuilding Program, which in just 30 years has turned the navy of the country from the score forces of coastal defense In the second in the power of the navy in the world. ” “Currently, China has the second on the power of the Navy in the world, yielding only the US Navy,” the magazine agrees.

Edition recognizes that in terms of the pace of naval shipbuilding US lag behind China.