Useful for heart and thyroid gland Product

The regular use of herring positively affects the operation of the cardiovascular system and the thyroid gland. This fish contains the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids and useful fats, told in his Instagram a nutritionist Svetlana Fus, report Russian media.

she explained that in one herring contained a half or two daily norms of omega-3 fatty acids. People who regularly use Omega-3 are less likely to suffer from depression and skin problems. In addition, according to the doctor, fatty acids reduce the risk of premature wrinkles, and also serves as an important component for the brain and retina.

From the useful qualities of Herring, the nutritionist was allocated high content of iodine and selenium, as well as vitamin E. “Herring contains powerful antioxidants: vitamin E and selenium. Both of these nutrients are important for the work of the immune system. They help minimize damage caused by free radicals, “explained Fus.