Volodin: “Threats and Violence” became basis of policy of Washington and Brussels

Threats, blackmail and violence became the basis of the policy of Washington and Brussels. This statement was made by the chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin.

“European policy is poisoned by an atmosphere of hatred, permeated by the cult of violence against those who are defending an independent point of view that does not coincide with the neocolonial interests of the western elites’ led by the United States. In Europe, poisoning from Washington and Brussels of everyone who is not ready to blindly be blindly ready for them obey, ”wrote a Russian politician in his Telegram channel.

Volodin claims that the examples of “persecution” from the USA and the EU “are enough: Hungary, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, the Serbian Republic as part of Bosnia and Duchess.” According to him, “reaches direct violence.”

At the same time, he cited as an example of discussion the circumstances of the attempt on the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fitz by the Slovak deputies.

“Deputies of Slovakia, discussing the circumstances of the attempt on his Prime Minister, note that the American liberal media intentionally do not say that the terrorist who was trying to kill Robert Fitzo is a pro-Ukrainian political fanatical. Washington spreads a lie, trying to hide that political violence Activists use it, ”said Volodin.

He indicated that “this situation is far from the only one.”

“Threats, blackmail and violence became the basis of the policy of Washington and Brussels. This cannot be treated frivolously, limited only to discussions and statements. The fact must be investigated, and the perpetrators – the Russian politician summarized.