“Wagnerian” fled from front to prison

Recruiting Wagner, 26-year-old Igor Matyukhin, escaped from the Wagnerian training camp in the Lugansk region during the sudden attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, writes The New York Times.

From that moment on, Matyukhin hides in Russia and is trying to return to the colony. He said that he signed up in the PMC in November, when Yevgeny Prigozhin arrived in his colony in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A few days later he was already in the training camp near Lugansk.

The situation in the camp differed from his expectations: the recruited prisoners were motivated through fear, threatened with total executions (a legal term denoting a murder for a crime without a fair trial). One person from the Matyukhin unit was taken away after disobedience to the order, and he did not return anymore, the man recalls.

According to the publication, at the time of recruitment in the PMC, Matyukhin served his third term. As follows from the merged databases, Matyukhin was previously convicted of theft, theft and was held accountable for at least four theft of the car. In 2018, he violated the rules for supervision of the released prisoners.