Washington: business forum Türkiye-Ssha took place

In Washington, the Turkey-Ssha business forum organized by the Association of Independent Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkey (Müsi̇ad) was held in Washington.

As part of the event, sessions were held on legal legislation regarding business and the USA, as well as the construction sector and investment capabilities. In addition, a panel discussion was held on the topic “Trade relations Turkey-Ssha: Opportunities, Problems and Solving”.

Speaking at the event, the chairman of Müsi̇ad Mahmut Asmaly said that the United States is an important country in the world from both a political and economic point of view. In his words, not a single country, including Turkey, cannot ignore the United States in terms of commerce, not in terms of another field of activity.

Asmaly noted that although the political relations between Turkey and the United States sometimes experience ups and falls, two countries are very old allies.

“We all know that taking into account the current situation, the United States and I have discrepancies in the views of politics. The main reason for this is that we cannot explain our theses and our right business to American politicians. The most important way to achieve this is – Commercial relations, therefore, will make more investments and increase the trade much more economically, we will get the opportunity to explain our theses to American politicians. We will go through the most important stage.

He noted that this visit by the Turkish delegation to the United States opened a new starting page, and next time the country will visit the much more numerous delegation of businessmen.