Ways of treating allergies

Immunologist Vladimir Bolyibok told how to treat allergies. It is reported by RT.

According to him, the main method of treatment lies in the complete elimination of the allergen of the patient’s environment.

In seasonal allergies, a specialist advises if possible to leave for this time to another climatic zone.

“Now begins the flowering of trees, so you can leave either north, in Tundra, or south: We usually recommend the southern coast of the Crimea or the coast of the North Caucasus,” said Bolyibok. He noted that if a person does not contact with an allergen for many years, then the allergic reaction passes by itself.

The doctor added that the same method works with allergies on animals and with food allergies.

In addition, from an allergic reaction can be elevated at vaccination with special allergic acids in order to create immunity in the patient against the annoying allergens. At the same time, in the vice of vaccines, not all allergens exist.