Weather forecast for tomorrow 9 January

Tomorrow, snow is expected in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula, a moderate north-eastern wind is predicted, the National Hydrometeorology Service was reported.

Air temperature in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula at night will be 2-4 ºС frost, during the day – closer to 0.

Atmospheric pressure will be 780 millimeters of the mercury, relative humidity – 70-80 percent. Ice forms on the roads.

In the areas of Azerbaijan, snow and fog, a moderate eastern wind are expected in places tomorrow.

Air temperature at night will be from 3-8 ºС Frost, during the day – from 3 degrees of frost to 2 ºС heat, in the mountains at night – 17-22, during the day – 7-12 ºС Frost.

Roads will be covered with ice.

Note that from last night in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula it is snowing. Today, the air temperature in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula will be at night up to 2 ° C of frost, during the day about 0 ° C. Unstable weather conditions in the capital will last until January 12.