Web Drains: Revaccinate every 12-18 months

Co-founder of Biontech, together with the Pfizer developed a vaccine from Coronavirus, Dr. Umbre Treasure expressed confidence that the epidemic would be able to win. Humanity begins to take it under control. However, the virus will accompany people for several years, and they will have to get used to the new standards of life. One of which will be additional revaccination from COVID every 12-18 months. It is reported by the Israeli Prussian-language publication “Details”.

“The world should not live in fear,” said the colors in an interview with CNBC. – Coronavirus will be under control. However, he will accompany us for a few more years. “

According to the oddicles, additional data is still needed to evaluate how often it will be necessary to revocated from COVID-19. It is estimated that it will have to do every 12-18 months.

To the question, whether she was concerned with the appearance of new strains of the virus, the shared replies that Biontech “constantly evaluates new strains, and there will be more.” According to her, the booster vaccine today is enough to strengthen the immunity and protect a person from existing strains.