What consequences of COVID can be defined by eyes

Set the consequences of coronavirus infection in humans using the cornea. Scientists from Turkey and the United Kingdom came to this conclusion. This is reported by the newspaper British Journal of Ophthalmology.

According to experts, in part of the parties of COVID-19, a month after recovery, there is a significant reduction in the number of nerve fibers in the cornea. A similar symptom can persist in three months.

Most often, people are faced with such consequences, which transferred coronavirus with accompanying neuropathic pains of an unclear nature. Also signaling about it will be problems with the musculoskeletal system.

40 people who recovered from COVID-19 were involved in the study, as well as 30 respondents in the control group. All people, in addition to standard diagnostics, passed the procedure for confocal corneal microscopy. According to the results, it became clear that the participants in the experiment with neurological symptoms were noticed a decrease in the number of nerve fibers in the cornea, compared with healthy people.

In some cases, coronavirus is able to damage the eye vessels. Usually inflammation is characterized by turbidity in a vitreous body and a change in the retina.