What skills are students develop using Steam classes

The Institute of Education at the Ministry of Science and Education conducted a study on the education of Steam. The main purpose of the study is to determine the impact of the organization of Steam classes on the educational results of students and the choice of a future profession.

The study involved 6,538 students of the VI-VIII classes of 30 secondary schools operating in 12 cities and areas of Azerbaijan (Baku, Ganja, Sumgait, Shirvan, Lenkoran, Masalla, Neflela, Guba, Husar, Khachmaz, Samukh, Sheki) . Of these, 4,941 people study in Steam classes, in ordinary classes – 1,597 people. 192 teachers who teach Steam lessons in these schools also attracted him.

The study showed that in all generally evaluated skills, students studying in the classes where Steam classes are held are superior to students who do not attend these classes. The analysis shows that Steam lessons increase students’ interest in technology, the use of technology, positively affect their participation in projects.

Thus, 65% of students from Steam classes said that Steam classes increased their interest in technology, 62% said that Steam classes encourage them to carefully monitor technological developments, and 61% that Steam classes were more founded in practice than on the theory, which helped them better absorb material.

In turn, 45% of students from Steam classes noted that as a result of classes they acquired three-dimensional work training (for example, 3D design), and 49% said they more comfortably express themselves in the visual arts. P>

The study once again shows that the Steam Education increases the interest of students in the lessons and, as a result, increases their academic achievements, and also plays a leading role in the development of their knowledge and skills in solving life problems.