When will VAR appear in Azerbaijani football?

Executive Vice-President of Affa Elkhan Mamedov told the AFFA conference held within these minutes about the introduction of the VAR system (Referee Video) in Azerbaijan.

“Last year, Affa’s administration approved the introduction of VAR, and we planned that in February-March of this year, the video Security Referee will appear in our championship,” says Elkhan Mamedov. “Everything went according to plan, but there were problems with chips that produced In China. Unfortunately, the Chinese in connection with the pandemic reduced their production. We try to solve this problem so that soon VAR has earned in Azerbaijan.

I think the var must be in all matches. If the game “Karabakh” with the Swiss “Basel” was a video ample, then, most likely, our team would have taken the 1st place in the group and would directly release in the 1/8 finals. “

Next, the head of the Judges Committee Affa Fritz Plylik.