WHO called on countries not to close schools

The WHO Regional Office (ERB) calls on the authorities of the countries of the continent when making preventive and restrictive measures against the distribution of COVID-19 not to close schools. Four weeks in a row in Europe – the only WHO region – there is an increase in transmission of coronavirus infection (57% of all new cases in the world in the third week of October), reported on Friday published on Friday.

“Last week, more than half of the countries of the European Region reported a noticeable increase in the indicators of COVID-19 infection in all age groups,” the report noted. Against this background, 45 countries and territories are recommended to leave schools open to full-time learning, while seven states preferred a full or partial closure of schools, and two recommended distance learning.

In ERB, believe that the break in the teaching of children should be extremely measure. “The widespread closure of schools last year, violating the formation of millions of children and adolescents, brought more harm than benefits, especially mental and social well-being of children. We cannot repeat the same mistakes,” comments the head of ERB Hans Kulia, reports TASS.

Instead of closing of schools, WHO recommends a wide range of measures, including physical distance, frequent hand washing, wearing masks, ventilation in classes and advanced access to testing, especially in high prevalence.

“Science should prevail over politics, the long-term interests of children should remain a priority, especially now, when in a number of countries there is an increase in transmission of infection. We have more efficient tools for solving this problem than the closure of schools,” added to the key. / P>

To date, 76 million cases of COVID-19 and 1.4 million deaths are registered in the WHO European Region, after infection with the new coronavirus.