WHO: Coronavirus becomes endemic

The SARS-COV-2 virus gradually becomes endemic, this has not yet happened, but the World Health Organization considers various options for the development of the situation, RIA news the news of the head of the Technical Group of Emergency Diseases of WHO Maria Wang Kerkhov.

“This virus is in the way of becoming endemic. It is not even disputed. But now we are in the middle of this pandemic, and the level of distribution, its intensity, as well as the level of influence of new infesses the key medical services, the level of hospitalization is very significant … So the virus on the way of becoming endemic, but we did not come to this, “the expert said.

Wang Kerkhov emphasized that WHO examines various scenarios for the development of the situation in connection with the advent of the Oomikron strain, which in many countries has already exceeded the distribution of the “Delta”.

“The virus develops. And” Omicron “is most likely not the last strain, about which we will tell you. So we have an element of unpredictability. We do not have the predictability that has influenza, typical seasonal