WHO predicts Europe sad numbers

The World Health Organization expects a sharp increase in the number of deaths in Europe and the countries of Central Asia from the consequences of coronavirus infection. By the beginning of December, 236 thousand people could die from Coronavirus in this region, the WHO Regional Director in Europe Hans Klev said. Reports about it Deutsche Welle.

According to Kulity, it is still in 53 countries in Europe and Central Asia from COVID-19, 1.3 million people died, 64 million contamination of coronavirus were registered in the region. The WHO representative expressed concern about the sharp increase in the number of infections: in 33 countries of the region, these indicators have increased recently for ten or more percent.

The Beelian explained the resulting dissemination of a more infectious “delta” -variant of coronavirus, the abolition of anticoronevirus restrictions and the growth of tourism. The Regional Director encouraged to increase the rate of vaccination, noting that only six percent of the population were completely vaccinated in the less prosperous countries of the region.