WHO: Situation in India “More than heartbreaking”

The World Health Organization (WHO) sent more than 2.6 thousand employees to India to help the country fight the growing number of coronavirus infection cases, reports Associated Press.

According to the head of WHO Tedros Adhanom Gebresus, these employees will help Indian colleagues, giving technical advice and providing assistance in vaccination and monitoring.

he added that the situation in India is now more than heartbreaking. “

“WHO does everything that can provide equipment and materials, including thousands of oxygen concentrators, mobile field hospitals from prefabricated structures and laboratory accessories,” said Greesus

In India, a complex epidemiological situation has developed due to the increasing incidence of coronavirus. The last few days in the country record anti-advertises in the number of cases of COVID-19 cases. On the eve of more than 352 thousand new cases per day. Hospitals in India are filled with oxygen cylinders not enough. Because of this, the government is criticized for the unpreparedness to the new wave of the epidemic.