WHO warns danger of repeating “Indian scenario” in Europe

Catastrophic situation with a sharp increase in morbidity and mortality from coronavirus, with which India has now faced, can be repeated in any other country. Experts are concerned how the Indian strain COVID-19 will behave against the background of weakening restrictions in Europe, reports EURONEWS.

TV channel reports that at the international airport of Rome Fiumicino named after Leonardo da Vinci in 23 passengers arriving in Rome from India, coronavirus was found. So far, however, it is not known whether those infected with the Indian strain, which causes concern WHO.

According to Hans Kleva, the director of the European Regional Office of WHO, “it is extremely important to understand that the situation with which India faced may develop anywhere. This is a serious problem for all countries. When restrictive measures are weakened when people are going to big groups again. When there are more contagious strains of coronavirus, and the number of vaccinated is still quite small – all this can turn into heavy consequences for any state. “

During the day in India, about 380 thousand cases of infection with coronavirus were revealed, which was another anti-advertise.