Women occupy central place in business life in Somalia

Women remain at the center of business life in Somalia, despite the unfavorable economic conditions caused by drought and a threat to security in this country. Somali women most actively participate in the business sphere.

According to the National Statistical Bureau of Somalia, 56.7 percent of small enterprises in the country belong to women, 35.4 percent to men. The share of enterprises at which men and women work together is 7.9 percent.

The head of the company of women of the region Bandir in the southwest of Somalia Javakhir Mohamud Barkab told Anadolu that women dominate all small enterprises of the country.

“Most of the owners of small business in the Somali markets are women. Women are busy in many areas – from clothes to food. Sometimes, for example, fires flare up in the markets. Unfortunately, women are mostly victims of these fires,” – women become, ” – She told.

The barcade drew attention to the obstacles that women entrepreneurs face. According to her, women mainly need to encourage and loans.

Maryan Muhammad Osman, who sells clothes in the Hamarvey market, said that the biggest difficulty she is faced with is the payment of annual lease.

The woman said that she has been selling clothes since 1990, the beginning of the Civil War in Somalia.

“Working in this market, I raised my children and gave them an education. Now the youngest is 15 years old. I have a shop on the street, there is no store,” the woman said.


The saleswoman from the cosmetics store 23-year-old Amino Hussein said that she continues to work contrary to negative events.

“I started working here three years ago. At the beginning, I was convinced that this work is not for me, that I am a girl is not capable of doing such a job,” Hussein said.

Amino Hussein turned to all women with a call to continue to work if they want to achieve something in life.